Doulas mother (the mother).

A doula is a Greek word meaning woman servant for mothers, babies, and their families.

A doula is a hired coach and companion offering resources (information), spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental support through pregnancy labor, delivery, and postpartum.

Midwives catch (the baby).

Midwives provide care during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum offering education about what’s going with mother’s body and baby. Midwives are considered primary care for expecting mothers, who are not being seen by an OB. They monitor, diagnose, and treat mother. Traditionally, they offer personal and professional care (meaning they ask more questions to get to know you as a way of offering emotional and mental support, along with physical support).

Myth: A midwife does not get in between your relationship with your significant other.

Primip comes from primipara, and means a woman who’s pregnant for the first time.

A woman with more than one baby is a multip.

You may hear midwives using this verbiage.

Gravidity (grava): number of pregnancies

Parity (para): number of times mother has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn

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