Chosen Journi provides support that is…

empowering, confident, cultivating, and meaningful

As your doula, we help you make informed decisions with evidence based research. We always remind you of your choice to choose to have the birth that you and your partner desires. We serve with care and without judgment.
  • We offer support to families. It is important for the mother to have layered support, which includes helping the partner and children. We can even assist with your children adjusting to a new family member.
  • We provide practical guidance and tools to help partners feel confident and prepared for the remainder of your pregnancy, labor and delivery, and post outcome.

Take the first step by booking a discovery doula call. 

  • It’s a consultation for us to access how we can best support you, 
  • but you’re interviewing us, discovering, and determining if we are the best fit for you and your family.